Member Benefits

Membership with the Indiana SNA will benefit your district, your staff, and your own professional development. ISNA offers a variety of benefits to members: 

  • Membership in ISNA automatically qualifies membership in the School Nutrition Association (SNA)
  • Professional education opportunities (at reduced registration cost)
  • Opportunity to attend conferences: Annual state conference, Spring and Fall conferences; Regional meetings
  • Invitation to join affiliate chapters of ISNA
  • Trade Magazines – Quarterly magazines from ISNA; Monthly magazines from SNA
  • Opportunity to network with other foodservice professionals for program enhancement
  • Technical advice, assistance and support from mentoring foodservice directors: Food cost control, Labor cost control, Marketing, Menu development, Nutrition Education, Food bids, Procurement assistance, Commodity assistance
  • Ability to grow professionally through a certificate program and credentialing
  • Ability to shape school nutrition policies at the national and state levels
  • Scholarship opportunities for tuition assistance (self or dependents)
  • Awards opportunities


In the ever-changing atmosphere of Indiana and national legislation, ISNA works diligently to advocate for Indiana school nutrition professionals and the children we serve at a state and national level.


Members also receive the official quarterly magazine for Indiana school nutrition professionals, Food for Thought.